When will be Major 2nd next episode air date? Is Major 2nd renewed or cancelled? Where to countdown Major 2nd air dates? Is Major 2nd worth watching?

Daigo loves baseball, mostly because his dad is a professional player – he's played for the MLB, the Japanese leagues, and now he's off to Taiwan to play there. Everyone in Daigo's family loves the sport; his older sister Izumi is on track to be just as impressive a pitcher as their father, and even their mother played back in school. Now that Daigo's in the fourth grade, he's all set to join his dad's old team and prove that he has what it takes too—except once he starts playing, he's not sure that he does. Crumbling under the pressure of all the expectations around him, Daigo flubs his first game and immediately quits the sport. Two years later, he's still beating himself up for his perceived failings, barely trying to succeed at anything anymore. However, the kick in the pants he may need has just arrived at his school, in the form of his dad's best MLB buddy's son.

Genres: Comedy | Drama | Sports | Anime
Station: NHK (JP)
Rating: 10/10 from 2 users
Status: To Be Determined
Start: 2018-04-07

Major 2nd Air Dates

Oct 17, 2020

S02E22 - You Disappoint Me! Air Date: Oct 17, 2020 08:35 - 4 years ago

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

Oct 24, 2020

S02E23 - Signs of a Storm Air Date: Oct 24, 2020 08:35 - 4 years ago

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

Oct 31, 2020

S02E24 - Cinderella's Magic Air Date: Oct 31, 2020 08:35 - 4 years ago

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

Nov 07, 2020

S02E25 - With you again… Air Date: Nov 07, 2020 08:35 - 4 years ago

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

Next Episode of Major 2nd is


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