When will be Military Collectors next episode air date? Is Military Collectors renewed or cancelled? Where to countdown Military Collectors air dates? Is Military Collectors worth watching?

Military Collectors with Bob Redfern is your source for feature videos on military collections and the collectors who restore and collect vintage war era items. You'll hear from collectors as they describe their passion for showcasing the history behind their vintage military aircraft, vehicles, uniforms, badges, and firearms. Plus Bob takes you step by step through some of his own military vehicle restorations.

Station: AHC (US)
Rating: 0/10 from 0 users
Status: Ended
Start: 2016-09-03

Military Collectors Air Dates

Oct 08, 2016

S01E06 - Russell's Military Vehicles and Restorations Air Date: Oct 08, 2016 12:30 - 8 years ago

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Bob travels to Cairo, Georgia and meets up with a lifelong collector and military vehicle restoration expert, Russell Deese.

Oct 15, 2016

S01E07 - War Birds Over Monroe, North Carolina Air Date: Oct 15, 2016 12:30 - 8 years ago

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Bob travels to War Birds Over Monroe, one of the largest Air Shows in the Southeastern United States, which also owns and maintains the only flyable T-46 Troop Transport Aircraft remaining.

Oct 22, 2016

S01E08 - John Browning Firearms Museum in Ogden, Utah Air Date: Oct 22, 2016 12:30 - 8 years ago

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Bob visits the Browning Firearms Museum, featuring the John M. Browning military machine guns and firearms collection.

Oct 29, 2016

S01E09 - Military Vehicle Restorations by M-Series Rebuild Air Date: Oct 29, 2016 12:30 - 8 years ago

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Charles Talbert, owner of the custom restoration and rebuilding facility M-Series Rebuild, shows Bob some of his team's projects from start to finish.

Next Episode of Military Collectors is

not planed. TV Show was canceled.

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