When will be Noblesse next episode air date? Is Noblesse renewed or cancelled? Where to countdown Noblesse air dates? Is Noblesse worth watching?

Raizel awakens from his 820-year slumber. He holds the special title of Noblesse, a pure-blooded Noble and protector of all other Nobles. In an attempt to protect Raizel, his servant Frankenstein enrolls him at Ye Ran High School, where Raizel learns the simple and quotidian routines of the human world through his classmates. However, the Union, a secret society plotting to take over the world, dispatches modified humans and gradually encroaches on Raizel's life, causing him to wield his mighty power to protect those around him... After 820 years of intrigue, the secrets behind his slumber are finally revealed, and Raizel's absolute protection as the Noblesse begins!

Genres: Anime | Supernatural
Station: Tokyo MX (US)
Rating: 9.59/10 from 22 users
Status: Ended
Start: 2015-12-04

Noblesse Air Dates

Dec 10, 2020

S01E10 - Dangerous Man / LOVEPARADE Air Date: Dec 10, 2020 05:00 - 4 years ago

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Rael appears at Ye Ran High School to pick up Seira, and attacks M-21, Takeo, and Tao. Rael, who was rejected by Seira, challenges Frankenstein to a battle. To protect his companions and to protect Raizel, Frankenstein can no longer keep silent.

Dec 17, 2020

S01E11 - Lord / Lost Child Air Date: Dec 17, 2020 05:00 - 4 years ago

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After being summoned by Lord Raskreia, Seira headed to her hometown of Lukedonia. Raskreia finds out about the false reports to protect Raizel and decides to punish Seira and Gejutel. Meanwhile, Raizel, Frankenstein, and Regis arrive in Lukedonia to save Seira and Gejutel.

Dec 24, 2020

S01E12 - That All May Be as It Should Be / Execution Air Date: Dec 24, 2020 05:00 - 4 years ago

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As Raizel heads towards the sanctuary, his path is blocked by a powerful enemy. Meanwhile, Seira, who had been imprisoned, tries to escape to prevent Gejutel's being forced into eternal sleep. In order to protect Seira and Gejutel, Raizel and the others have to fight their own fierce battles. Can they save Seira and Gejutel?

Dec 31, 2020

S01E13 - Noblesse / Take Her Hand Air Date: Dec 31, 2020 05:00 - 4 years ago

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Raizel appears in front of Raskreia and the Clan Leaders to prevent Gejutel's sentence from being carried out and put things in order. The Clan Leaders are overwhelmed by his incredible power. The real reason why the Previous Lord died is finally revealed. The battle between Lord and Noblesse begins!

Next Episode of Noblesse is

not planed. TV Show was canceled.

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