When will be North Woods Law: Game Warden Files next episode air date? Is North Woods Law: Game Warden Files renewed or cancelled? Where to countdown North Woods Law: Game Warden Files air dates? Is North Woods Law: Game Warden Files worth watching?

North Woods Law: Game Warden Files is the 4th spin-off from Animal Planet's franchise "North Woods Law".

Station: Animal Planet (US)
Rating: 0/10 from 0 users
Status: Running
Start: 2017-03-30

North Woods Law: Game Warden Files Air Dates

Apr 14, 2017

S01E03 - Hunting the Hunters Air Date: Apr 14, 2017 01:00 - 8 years ago

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Getting to know Officer Glen Lucas as he and Matt Holmes race to find an elderly man with dementia missing in the swamp; Officers Adam Cheney and Geoff Pushee run into an aggressive and angry hunter when investigating a road hunting complaint.

Apr 14, 2017

S01E04 - Manhunt Air Date: Apr 14, 2017 02:00 - 8 years ago

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Getting to know Officer James Benvenuti as he investigates lobster poachers off the coast; Officer Glen Lucas races to the scene of an ATV accident; after a home break-in, Officers Bill Boudreau and Eric Hannett assist police in tracking suspect.

May 05, 2017

S01E05 - No Way Out Air Date: May 05, 2017 01:00 - 8 years ago

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Getting to know Officer Bob Mancini as he and Kevin Bronson investigate the circumstances of a suspicious deer kill; conservation officers work with rescue volunteers to recover the body of a missing hiker on Mount Washington.

May 05, 2017

S01E06 - Into Thin Air Air Date: May 05, 2017 02:00 - 8 years ago

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

Getting to know Officer Eric Hannett as he and Officer Bill Boudreau chase down a likely deer poacher; Officer Glen Lucas makes a dangerous trek to the summit of Mount Washington to rescue a stranded and injured hiker.

Next Episode of North Woods Law: Game Warden Files is


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