When will be Olobob Top next episode air date? Is Olobob Top renewed or cancelled? Where to countdown Olobob Top air dates? Is Olobob Top worth watching?

Preschool animated series following the adventures of Tib, Lalloo and Bobble, who live in a big forest and love creating new friends.

Genres: Children
Station: CBeebies (GB)
Rating: 0/10 from 0 users
Status: Ended
Start: 2017-07-17

Olobob Top Air Dates

Jul 31, 2018

S01E48 - Grump Air Date: Jul 31, 2018 08:10 - 7 years ago

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Crunch is in a big grump because her new boots are dirty. The Olobobs create Lady La-Dee-Dah, who enjoys stomping in puddles, making everyone messy and cheering up Crunch.

Aug 01, 2018

S01E49 - Invisible Air Date: Aug 01, 2018 08:10 - 7 years ago

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Bobble is playing at being invisible, but everyone can see him. They create Chamelegone, who disappears before their eyes. Bobble sneaks behind him and vanishes too, for real!

Aug 02, 2018

S01E50 - Hat Air Date: Aug 02, 2018 08:10 - 7 years ago

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

Bobble's hat is too small, and gets broken when the Olobobs try to stretch it. They make Hatroyshka, who offers him three different-sized hats. The smallest is a perfect fit!

Aug 03, 2018

S01E51 - News Air Date: Aug 03, 2018 08:10 - 7 years ago

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

Norbet is creating a newspaper, but nobody's news is exciting enough. The Olobobs create Ed, who reminds them they can all make exciting news with just a few sheets of paper.

Next Episode of Olobob Top is

not planed. TV Show was canceled.

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