When will be Paul O'Grady: The Sally Army and Me next episode air date? Is Paul O'Grady: The Sally Army and Me renewed or cancelled? Where to countdown Paul O'Grady: The Sally Army and Me air dates? Is Paul O'Grady: The Sally Army and Me worth watching?

A series presented by Paul O'Grady exploring the work of the Salvation Army.

Station: BBC One (GB)
Rating: 0/10 from 0 users
Status: Ended
Start: 2016-03-27

Paul O'Grady: The Sally Army and Me Air Dates

Apr 10, 2016

S01E03 - Episode 3 Air Date: Apr 10, 2016 17:00 - 9 years ago

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Paul O'Grady's training with the group is taken to the next level when he is faced with his biggest fear - dementia. He rolls forward the years as he dons an old-age simulation suit to see what it really feels like to be an OAP. He tries his hand at storytelling, attempting to teach a room full of children a classic parable from the Bible - what could go wrong?

Apr 17, 2016

S01E04 - Episode 4 Air Date: Apr 17, 2016 17:00 - 9 years ago

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Paul O'Grady's training goes international as he hits the front line and witnesses the migrant crisis in Athens at first hand. He gets a face-to-face meeting with the head honcho of the Salvation Army to ask him some tough questions on sexuality and helps a woman who is desperate to put food on the table for her children.

Apr 24, 2016

S01E05 - Episode 5 Air Date: Apr 24, 2016 17:05 - 9 years ago

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Paul O'Grady's training with the Salvation Army takes him right back to where he first encountered them as a kid, his hometown of Liverpool, to support a woman whose drug addiction has ruined her life. He channels his inner 'Lily' to use his comedy experience to help a man who hit rock bottom and gets one last chance to find his rhythm with the Sally Army band.

May 01, 2016

S01E06 - Episode 6 Air Date: May 01, 2016 17:05 - 9 years ago

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Paul O'Grady takes on the final and toughest part of his Salvation Army training as he comforts those facing death at a hospice for the terminally ill. He puts on his dancing shoes for a 94-year-old lady at an exercise class for the elderly and finally gets to fulfil his childhood dream of marching with the Sally Army band down London's Oxford Street.

Next Episode of Paul O'Grady: The Sally Army and Me is

not planed. TV Show was canceled.

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