When will be Полный блэкаут next episode air date? Is Полный блэкаут renewed or cancelled? Where to countdown Полный блэкаут air dates? Is Полный блэкаут worth watching?

The participants of the show will meet face to face with their main enemy — imagination. Actors, musicians and bloggers will crawl through tunnels with rats, collect spiders and fall into traps — these and many other unexpected tests of the star will take place in complete darkness.

Station: СТС (RU)
Rating: 0/10 from 0 users
Status: Running
Start: 2020-09-13

Полный блэкаут Season 1 Air Dates

S01E01 - Выпуск 1. Бабич, Pokrov, Александр Белькович, Ольга Белькович, Птаха, Нуриева, Крайнова, Туман Air Date: 13 September 2020 05:00 -

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S01E02 - Выпуск 2. Милохин, Смирнова, Цой, Маркони Air Date: 13 September 2020 05:00 -

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S01E03 - Выпуск 3. Крастер, Хоффман, Чеснокова, Папунаишвили Air Date: 20 September 2020 05:00 -

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S01E04 - Выпуск 4. Губерниев, Красилов, Чуйков, Нармания Air Date: 27 September 2020 05:00 -

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S01E05 - Выпуск 5. Шаляпин, Кросс, Михалкова, Ресторатор Air Date: 04 October 2020 05:00 -

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S01E06 - Выпуск 6. Любарская, Михеева, Verona, Nilletto Air Date: 11 October 2020 05:00 -

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S01E07 - Выпуск 7. Борщёва, Глюкоза, Феофилактова, Чума Вечеринка Air Date: 18 October 2020 05:00 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S01E08 - Выпуск 8. Вахрушев, Горячева, Темичева, Тарасов Air Date: 25 October 2020 05:00 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S01E09 - Выпуск 9. Иващенко, Сысоева, Велескевич, Jony Air Date: 01 November 2020 05:00 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S01E10 - Выпуск 10. Постовалов, Корнева, IOWA, Терещенко, Блан, Столяров, Ефремов, Ивакова Air Date: 08 November 2020 05:00 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

Next Episode of Полный блэкаут is


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