When will be Reaper next episode air date? Is Reaper renewed or cancelled? Where to countdown Reaper air dates? Is Reaper worth watching?

On his twenty-first birthday, Sam Oliver discovers his parents sold his soul to the devil before he was born, and he must now serve as the devil's personal bounty hunter or Reaper, catching escaped souls and sending them back to Hell.

Genres: Comedy | Drama | Supernatural
Station: The CW (US)
Rating: 7/10 from 3 users
Status: Ended
Start: 2007-09-25

Reaper Air Dates

May 06, 2009

S02E10 - My Brother's Reaper Air Date: May 06, 2009 00:00 - 16 years ago

Sam is tasked with getting Gary, a spoiled rich guy the Devil wants, to sign a contract selling his soul. Unfortunately, Gary is too clever, and manages to avoid all Sam's attempts to get him to sign on the dotted line.

May 13, 2009

S02E11 - To Sprong, with Love Air Date: May 13, 2009 00:00 - 16 years ago

Sam, Sock, and Andi go after their old high school teacher, Mr. Sprong, assuming he is the current soul they are trying to catch. The only problem? Mr. Sprong is still alive, and none too happy when they take him hostage to try to convince him not to press charges. Sock becomes the Work Bench mascot and competes with the Bargain Bench mascot in a mascot brawl.

May 20, 2009

S02E12 - Business Casualty Air Date: May 20, 2009 00:00 - 16 years ago

Sam gets into a confrontation in his new job that ends badly. Sock tries to date a demon who has the ability to be anything she desires.

May 27, 2009

S02E13 - The Devil & Sam Oliver Air Date: May 27, 2009 00:00 - 16 years ago

When Nina returns from Hell with the information Sam needs, he's given a chance to fight for his soul. Ben's grandmother has Nina perform an exorcism. Sam decides to challenge The Devil to a game of quarters, which ends in a draw [which means Sam loses]. Later Andi puts up her soul as collateral so Sam can have a re-match.

Next Episode of Reaper is

not planed. TV Show was canceled.

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