When will be Reinas al rescate next episode air date? Is Reinas al rescate renewed or cancelled? Where to countdown Reinas al rescate air dates? Is Reinas al rescate worth watching?

Pupi Poisson, Sharonne and Estrella Xtravaganza, guided by Supremme de Luxe, will tour various parts of Spain to give visibility to various LGTBIQ+ stories and show the realities of the group outside the big cities. On this road trip, the queens respond to the call of several people who have made a call for help: people related to the LGTBIQ+ community who need their support to transmit a message of diversity in their environment, in small towns in Spain. The arrival of the drag queens will be a surprise and a revolution for the locals, who will discover that, beyond the fact that the queens wear heels, dresses or wigs, they promote an artistic movement that stirs consciences and has values as important as integration , freedom of expression or self-love.

Station: ATRESplayer PREMIUM (ES)
Rating: 0/10 from 0 users
Status: To Be Determined
Start: 2022-07-10

Reinas al rescate Season 1 Air Dates

S01E01 - Hugo, en Roda de Berà Air Date: 10 July 2022 18:00 -

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Hugo has felt like a boy since he can remember and although his family allowed him to express himself freely when he was little, when he reached adolescence they tried to feminize his image. Confessing to his parents that he was a trans boy was a nightmare for years that led his father to withdraw. Also, in his town they still make fun of him. He would like the queens to help him close the open wound with his father and regain his self-confidence. He will be accompanied on stage by his father Germán and his trans friend Lucía, who has also suffered aggression and finds in Hugo the mirror in which to look at herself.

S01E02 - Jordi, en Benilloba Air Date: 21 August 2022 07:00 -

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Openly gay, Jordi lives happily in the town where he has always been accepted by those around him. However, his happiness is not complete because he has spent years without daring to confess a secret that only his mother knows: he has undetectable HIV. A situation that makes him feel in the closet again and that makes it impossible for him to find a partner because everyone runs away when they find out. He would like the queens to help him talk about his illness in his environment without everyone rejecting it. He will be accompanied on stage by his mother Asun, who has always supported him, and his straight best friend Roberto, if he is still by his side after all.

S01E03 - Claudia y Virginia, en Linares Air Date: 18 September 2022 07:00 -

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These lesbian sisters are tired of living in Linares, a hostile town where they boycott every LGTBIQ+ initiative they undertake and where they cannot find a single bar with a safe atmosphere for the group. They ask the queens for help to try to open the minds of their neighbors and find that gay-friendly place they long for. They will be accompanied on stage by their friend Bianca, a trans girl who had to leave Linares to live without aggression, and David, the owner of a pub who has also received threats for organizing a Pride party.

S01E04 - Llorent, en Cálig Air Date: 23 October 2022 07:00 -

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The bullying he suffered during his school and high school years and the lack of support he found at home forced him to leave his village. Now, he returns to Cálig so he can openly express his non-binary status, even if he risks further damaging his relationship with his parents. He hopes that the Reinas al rescate will help him come to terms with his past and where he grew up. He will be accompanied on stage by his father Lorenzo and Salva, the town's first visible gay.

S01E05 - Kande, en Landete Air Date: 20 November 2022 08:00 -

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Despite the fact that she knew for a long time that she was non-binary trans and that the pronouns with which she identifies are masculine, in the town and for her mother she is still Candela. Tired of feeling that no one sees him as he really is, he calls on the queens to help him "get rid of Candela" and start living with freedom and respect in his environment. His mother Josefa will accompany him on stage, if she is willing to accept that she no longer has a daughter, and his great friend Angelita, who, although she has always been there for him, would never imagine what she is about to confess to him.

S01E06 - José Antonio, en Campaspero Air Date: 10 December 2022 08:00 -

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José Antonio is gay and has HIV, but he has never accepted himself because neither in his town nor at home has he found the support he needed. His family is by his side, but his sexual orientation and his disease are a taboo that no one dares to mention. In fact, with his father and his brother he hardly talks. Alone and insecure, he feels unable to face the comments and gossip of his neighbors. He is only happy when he does his show as a drag queen in Valladolid. He wants the queens to help him reunite with his family, regain his safety, and live freely in Campaspero. He will be accompanied on stage by his brother Rubén de él, something that José Antonio does not expect at all, and his cousin Alicia, a trans girl who lives in his own town with the freedom and acceptance that he himself craving.

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