Next Episode of The Big Quiz is
The Big Quiz is an entertainment quiz show hosted by Stephen Mulhern. The first episode aired on Friday 16 December 2011 with the teams consisting of the cast of Coronation Street's Jennie McAlpine, Malcolm Hebden, Patti Clare and Jack P Shepherd and Emmerdale's Mark Charnock, Natalie Anderson, Danny Miller and Meg Johnson. The second episode aired at 8.00pm on Sunday 15 April 2012 on ITV1, with the teams consisting of the cast of the hit comedy Benidorm: Jake Canuso, Crissy Rock, Janine Duvitski and Shelley Longworth take on reality show The Only Way is Essex consisting of Joey Essex, Lauren Goodger, James Argent and Gemma Collins. The contestants face questions on memorable moments from both programmesThe third show will be titled as 'The Big Sports Quiz' which will also be hosted by Stephen Mulhern, seeing boys and girls battle for who's best at sport.
This annual grudge match between ITV's biggest soaps makes a welcome return to ITV. Stephen Mulhern hosts the show which tests the casts of Coronation Street and Emmerdale on their biggest, funniest, and most memorable soap moments of 2016.
With returning captains Mark Charnock (Marlon Dingle) for team Emmerdale and Jack P. Shepherd (David Platt) on team Coronation Street, you can expect a fiercely competitive match.
The Big Quiz: Coronation Street vs Emmerdale willcelebrate the very best moments from the Dales and on the cobbles during 2016.
Can Emmerdale hold onto the title they won last year, or will Coronation Street make a come back and snatch it off them?
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