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Everyone's favorite soft-spoken neighbor, Cleveland Brown, is on the move after he decides it's time for him and Cleveland Jr. to leave Quahog and go west. On their way to California, the duo makes a pit stop in Cleveland's hometown of Stoolbend, VA, where he reunites with his old high school crush, Donna Tubbs. Although she comes with baggage in the form of a rebellious teenage daughter and a sharp-tongued 5-year-old son, Cleveland is still in love with Donna and is determined to start a new life.

Genres: Comedy
Station: FOX (US)
Rating: 5.33/10 from 3 users
Status: Ended
Start: 2009-09-27

The Cleveland Show Season 4 Air Dates

Oct 07, 2012

S04E01 - Escape from Goochland Air Date: Oct 07, 2012 23:30 - 12 years ago

Cleveland and the gang visit their rival high school in Goochland for the annual football game, but when Federline destroys the car belonging to Cleveland's arch-nemesis Chet Butler, they must find a way back to Stoolbend.

Meanwhile, Roberta and Cleveland Jr. play pranks around Stoolbend when they dress up as Donna and Cleveland & Donna gets arrested after being mistaken for a prostitute.

Nov 05, 2012

S04E02 - Menace II: Secret Society Air Date: Nov 05, 2012 00:30 - 12 years ago

When Kenny West comes back to Stoolbend, he reunites with Cleveland after he comes to install his cable.
When Cleveland discovers Kenny hasn't shared credit for their song, "Be-Cleve In Yourself", he decided to get even and unwittingly discovers the Hip-Hop Illuminati.

Meanwhile, Cleveland Jr. starts a polka band after being rejected by the high school marching band.

Nov 19, 2012

S04E03 - A General Thanksgiving Episode Air Date: Nov 19, 2012 00:30 - 12 years ago

Rallo helps Holt pick up women in exchange for gifts.
To repay Holt for the presents, he invites Holt's father for Thanksgiving not knowing they do not get along.

Meanwhile, Cleveland, Lester & Tim convince Gus to open a bar at the airport.

Nov 26, 2012

S04E04 - Turkey Pot Die Air Date: Nov 26, 2012 00:30 - 12 years ago

Cleveland takes Junior to a turkey farm to get a Thanksgiving turkey but doesn't realize he's supposed to hug it. Junior then decides the turkey's must be set free.

Meanwhile, Rallo and Donna build a float for Stoolbend's Thanksgiving Day parade, but when it becomes a competition against Ariana, Donna gets serious.

Dec 03, 2012

S04E05 - A Vas Deferens Between Men and Women Air Date: Dec 03, 2012 00:30 - 12 years ago

When Rallo declares he is no longer a baby, Donna's maternal instincts kick in and she realizes she wants another baby.
Little does she know, Cleveland had a vasectomy during a night of drinking.

Meanwhile, Rallo lands the lead role in a community production of the musical, "Annie".

Dec 17, 2012

S04E06 - 'Tis the Cleveland to Be Sorry Air Date: Dec 17, 2012 00:30 - 12 years ago

Cleveland discovers that the food served at the local homeless shelter is much better than it is at home, so he pretends to be homeless to benefit from the meals. But when the community catches onto his ill-spirited scheme, they confront him and he must apologize to everyone.

Meanwhile, chauvinistic storeowner Harris Grundle hires Roberta as a Christmas elf but requires all of Santa's female helpers to don sexy costumes. Later, Kendra saves Christmas for the children of Stoolbend. 

Jan 14, 2013

S04E07 - Hustle ‘N' Bros Air Date: Jan 14, 2013 00:30 - 12 years ago

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

Cleveland is furious when Donna's ex-husband, Robert, crashes Freight Train's birthday party and upstages Cleveland's gift for his dad. To make matters worse, Freight Train officially adopts Robert, and Cleveland must learn to get along with his new "brother".

Meanwhile, to pay off a bet they owe to Donna, Rallo and Junior become "dog bounty hunters", tracking down lost pooches, returning them to their owners and collecting the rewards. 

Jan 28, 2013

S04E08 - Wide World of Cleveland Show Air Date: Jan 28, 2013 00:30 - 12 years ago

The Brown-Tubbs family travels the world in a hilarious series of internationally-themed segments. First, the Stoolbend-based clan is in Italy where Cleveland must choose between Rallo and Jr. as his family's successor in this mob-style parody.

Then, in Mexico, Junior insists on having a Quinceanera, even though he's a boy. Next, in Japan, Cleveland builds a robot to attend Junior's eating competition when he can't be there himself.

Feb 11, 2013

S04E09 - Here Comes the Bribe Air Date: Feb 11, 2013 00:30 - 12 years ago

Donna drags Cleveland to marriage counseling after he botches their wedding vows renewal, but the counselor makes it clear that Cleveland can swing the "treatments" in his favor - for a price.

Meanwhile, Junior's beloved refrigerator, "Perry", breaks, but Rallo finds a way to give it a second life as a hotel-style mini-bar. 

Feb 18, 2013

S04E10 - When a Man (or a Freight Train) Loves His Cookie Air Date: Feb 18, 2013 00:30 - 12 years ago

Cleveland's mom, Cookie runs away with George Clinton and the P-Funk All-Stars, after Freight Train misses their anniversary party.
So, Freight Train and Cleveland go to find her.

Meanwhile, Junior engages in an elaborate office fantasy during a visit to an office supply store. 

Mar 04, 2013

S04E11 - Pins, Spins and Fins! (Shark Story Cut for Time) Air Date: Mar 04, 2013 00:30 - 12 years ago

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

Rallo thinks he's a stud bowler when he keeps scoring strikes by using the gutter rails. But when his prowess goes to his head, Donna reveals to him the hard truth: little kids mostly suck at everything.

Meanwhile, Cleveland, Lester, Holt and Terry decide that their friendship has become too predictable, and attempt to spice things up by taking a road trip to an abandoned amusement park.

Mar 04, 2013

S04E12 - Brownsized Air Date: Mar 04, 2013 00:30 - 12 years ago

Cleveland takes an offer from his boss, Mr. Waterman, to quit his job with six months of severance pay, but struggles to find a way to tell Donna.

Meanwhile, Rallo finds a handsome and charming man for Roberta after Federline forgets their anniversary, but Rallo is shocked to discover that the new guy is a strict disciplinarian when it comes to kids. 

Mar 10, 2013

S04E13 - A Rodent Like This Air Date: Mar 10, 2013 23:30 - 12 years ago

When Donna discovers a rat loose in the house, she immediately moves herself and the kids in with her mother, Dee Dee, leaving Cleveland home alone to hunt down the rodent.
Cleveland takes advantage of having the house to himself and soon bonds with his new pet and best friend "Rat Lauer".

Meanwhile, Rallo and Jr. pretend they're spies, but things get out of hand when Junior won't reveal what's in his secret briefcase.

Mar 17, 2013

S04E14 - The Hangover Part Tubbs Air Date: Mar 17, 2013 23:30 - 12 years ago

When Donna runs for the school board, she tries to keep an embarrassing Cleveland out of her campaign. But her efforts blow up in her face when he "hugs" a new friend playing the Hurt Locker game.

Meanwhile, Junior discovers that he's an incredible diver, but is scared to passing of putting on the school diving team's uniform - a tiny Speedo.

Mar 17, 2013

S04E15 - California Dreamin' (All The Cleves Are Brown) Air Date: Mar 17, 2013 23:30 - 12 years ago

The Browns pack their bags and move to Los Angeles, where Cleveland pursues his life-long dream of becoming a major league baseball scout. But when he receives a cold welcome from star players Matt Kemp and Andre Either and he unsuccessfully recruits David Ortiz, Jimmy Rollins and Joey Votto, he winds up longing for the simple life in Stoolbend.

Meanwhile, Donna and the kids become obsessed with the glitzy L.A. lifestyle, and Cleveland befriends a struggling actress who helps him realize that Hollywood isn't as glamorous as it seems

Apr 07, 2013

S04E16 - Who Done Did It? Air Date: Apr 07, 2013 23:30 - 12 years ago

When Arianna The Bear is rude to Donna, Cleveland defends her honor by egging Arianna's house. But when Cleveland starts seeking revenge on everyone in Stoolbend, things get out of hand and he's accused of a cuddle he didn't commit. Meanwhile, in a cuddle mystery parody, Freight Train, Rallo and Junior try to exonerate Cleveland.

Apr 14, 2013

S04E17 - Fist and the Furious Air Date: Apr 14, 2013 23:30 - 12 years ago

Cleveland feels bad for Dr. Fist because he has no friends, so he decides to make him "one of the guys". But Cleveland soon stumbles upon a potentially life-threatening secret about his new friend - he used to work for the mob.

Meanwhile, Junior and Rallo open up a food truck at their school, but their moneymaking plans are thwarted when some serious competition arrives.

Apr 21, 2013

S04E18 - Squirt's Honor Air Date: Apr 21, 2013 23:30 - 12 years ago

Donna forces Rallo to sign up for Stoolbend's version of the Boy Scouts, the "Freedom Squirts". But Rallo warms up to the idea when he realizes that he can make some extra cash selling candy bars to benefit a non-existent youth orchestra.

Meanwhile, Cleveland and Donna win a romantic hotel getaway in a raffle, but are forced to work off their bill when they charge too many "incidentals".

Apr 28, 2013

S04E19 - Grave Danger Air Date: Apr 28, 2013 23:30 - 12 years ago

Rallo heads to East Stoolbend to stay at Robert's apartment for the weekend. But when Robert abandons him for a trip to Baltimore, he's forced to make friends with the tough neighborhood kids.

Meanwhile, Cleveland and his friends discover the joys of hanging out at the beautiful, lush Stoolbend Cemetery. 

May 12, 2013

S04E20 - Of Lice and Men Air Date: May 12, 2013 23:30 - 12 years ago

A lice outbreak at school means Rallo must lop off his beloved Afro, and when the other kids start making fun of him, Junior has his back. Meanwhile, Cleveland house-sits at Freight Train and Cookie's, where things take a bad turn after his pals show up.

May 12, 2013

S04E21 - Mr. & Mrs. Brown Air Date: May 12, 2013 23:30 - 12 years ago

Cleveland and his mother Cookie get mistaken for a married couple when they're invited to a party at a retirement community.

Meanwhile, Rallo steals a candy bar from a park vendor, but lies so Junior takes the fall.

May 19, 2013

S04E22 - Crazy Train Air Date: May 19, 2013 23:30 - 12 years ago

Cleveland is thrilled when Freight Train starts treating him with respect and but Donna believes he is suffering from a mental breakdown.

Meanwhile Rallo & Junior 'borrow' a mini-cherry picker when it's destined for demolition.

May 19, 2013

S04E23 - Wheel! Of! Family! Air Date: May 19, 2013 23:30 - 12 years ago

After running themselves ragged driving the kids to and from their activities Cleveland & Donna decide to get the other members of the family members involved.
However things don't go as planned when Robert & Dee Dee decide to get better acquainted, complete with adopting a baby.

Meanwhile, LeVar takes Junior to the 'Y' and is shocked to find him taking a pole dancing class.

Next Episode of The Cleveland Show is

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