When will be The X Life next episode air date? Is The X Life renewed or cancelled? Where to countdown The X Life air dates? Is The X Life worth watching?

When you think of extreme sports you think of highly competitive, tatted-up, bad-boys with little regard for their own safety whose sole mission is to push the limits of physics beyond the edge of what is thought possible. But there’s a whole other layer that fuels their cutting-edge quest – the gorgeous, fearless, women who love them. Together these two elements merge to form the nucleus of VH1’s newest original series "The X Life", set to premiere in early 2011.

"The X Life" will follow some of the biggest names in action sports: Pierre Luc Gagnon (Vert Skater) and his girlfriend Denise Russo; Cory “Nasty” Nastazio (BMX Dirt Jumper) and his girlfriend Nicole Panattoni; and Jeremy “Twitch” Stenburg (FMX) and his wife Susie Stenberg. All of these men have earned their place in the sports history books. (Source: VH1)

Genres: Family | Celebrities | Sports | Talent | Lifestyle
Station: VH1 (US)
Rating: 4/10 from 2 users
Status: Canceled/Ended
End: Feb/28/2011

The X Life Air Dates

Feb 15, 2011

S01E07 - It'll Never Change Air Date: Feb 15, 2011 03:00 - 14 years ago
Feb 22, 2011

S01E08 - TBA Air Date: Feb 22, 2011 03:00 - 14 years ago

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

Feb 22, 2011

S01E09 - TBA Air Date: Feb 22, 2011 03:00 - 14 years ago

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

Mar 01, 2011

S01E10 - TBA Air Date: Mar 01, 2011 03:00 - 14 years ago

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

Next Episode of The X Life is

not planed. TV Show was canceled.

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