When will be We Are the Champions next episode air date? Is We Are the Champions renewed or cancelled? Where to countdown We Are the Champions air dates? Is We Are the Champions worth watching?

We Are the Champions explores the quirkiest, most charming, and oddly inspirational competitions you never knew existed. Each episode follows a unique competition, providing a window into a world of determined, passionate, and incredibly skilled competitors who put it all on the line to become heroes in their own extraordinary worlds.

Genres: Children | Sports
Station: Netflix (GB)
Rating: 0/10 from 0 users
Status: Ended
Start: 2020-11-17

We Are the Champions Season 1 Air Dates

S01E01 - Cheese Rolling Air Date: 17 November 2020 12:00 -

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Each May, in a quiet English village, thousands of people gather to watch runners chase a wheel of cheese down a hill. A very steep hill. We Are the Champions follows competitors as they sprint, tumble and crash down the hill at top speed—risking fractured limbs and broken collar bones—to cross the finish line first and be crowned the Cheese Rolling Champion.



S01E02 - Chili Eating Air Date: 17 November 2020 12:00 -

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In his inaugural Pepper Eating Challenge, Smokin' Ed Currie, inventor of the world's hottest chili pepper, promises to burn the tongue off of even the most determined pepper eating masochists. We Are the Champions joins the brave contestants as they sweat through the heat and drop one-by-one, succumbing to the heat of Ed's infamous and World Record-holding Carolina Reaper pepper. BYO milk.



S01E03 - Fantasy Hair Styling Air Date: 17 November 2020 12:00 -

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The Bronner Brothers International Beauty Show is the nation's largest multicultural beauty show—it's also home to the Fantasy Hair Competition, the most outrageous and over-the-top display of hair on the planet. We Are the Champions is in New Orleans where stylists have 90 minutes to craft elaborate, sculptural hair creations and transform their model into a head-to-toe vision of Mardi Gras.



S01E04 - Yo-Yo Air Date: 17 November 2020 12:00 -

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Yo-Yos may be old, but their champions are barely out of their teens. We Are the Champions is in Cleveland, Ohio at the World Yo-Yo contest, the most prestigious Yo-Yo competition on the planet, where elaborate routines and original moves set to hot music take "walking the dog" to a whole new park.



S01E05 - Dog Dancing Air Date: 17 November 2020 12:00 -

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We Are the Champions joins the best dog dancers in the world at the Open European Championship (OEC), where the dogs master over 400 commands in a single four-minute routine. Whether it's heelwork or freestyle, these dogs prove that they're the perfect dance partner.



S01E06 - Frog Jumping Air Date: 17 November 2020 12:00 -

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We Are the Champions travels to Angels Camp, California, home of the world championship of Frog Jumping. The annual champion gets a star on the "Hop of Fame," a beautiful trophy and 500 American dollars! But the real goal is to break Rosie the Ribeter's record of 21 feet and 5.75 inches—that will get you $5,000 and the title of Frog Jumping World Champion!



Next Episode of We Are the Champions is

not planed. TV Show was canceled.

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