When will be Women Behind Bars next episode air date? Is Women Behind Bars renewed or cancelled? Where to countdown Women Behind Bars air dates? Is Women Behind Bars worth watching?

Sir Trevor McDonald ventures inside two of Indiana's most dangerous female prisons, and witnesses a world of seduction and manipulation as inmates prey on each other and those who guard them. Trevor gets unique access to Rockville Penitentiary, the largest female prison in Indiana. Here hundreds of women are processed each week, both murderers and continual re-offenders alike. Trevor also goes to Indiana Women's Prison, housing the most extreme cases. He meets some of the most dangerous offenders and women who will spend the rest of their life behind bars.

Genres: Crime
Station: ITV1 (GB)
Rating: 4/10 from 2 users
Status: Ended
Start: 2013-09-26

Women Behind Bars Air Dates

Sep 26, 2013

S01E01 - Part 1 Air Date: Sep 26, 2013 20:00 - 11 years ago
Oct 03, 2013

S01E02 - Part 2 Air Date: Oct 03, 2013 20:00 - 11 years ago

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Next Episode of Women Behind Bars is

not planed. TV Show was canceled.

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