Next Episode of Young DAVID is
Step into the world of Young DAVID, a 5-part animated mini-series that explores the formative years of legendary King David. Delve into his humble beginnings as a shepherd, his love for playing the lyre and composing poetry, his fateful encounter with the king's shepherd, and his daring race to save his sheep from a fearsome lion. This heartwarming tale reveals the makings of a future king, long before he faced any giants or ascended the throne.
While attempting to rescue a wounded sheep, David faces off with the king's head shepherd.
David defies his brother, conquers a lightning storm, and saves his lost sheep.
When David's quest to write a song lands him far from home, he must find his way back to his sheep.
Long before he'd ascend the throne or slay a giant, David learned to speak with God. When his sister is feeling down, David teaches her to find God wherever she is.
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