When will be Bitz and Bob next episode air date? Is Bitz and Bob renewed or cancelled? Where to countdown Bitz and Bob air dates? Is Bitz and Bob worth watching?

Preschool animation series introducing children to principles of STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and maths) through eight-year-old inventor Bitz and her younger brother Bob.

Genres: Children
Station: CBeebies (GB)
Rating: 0/10 from 0 users
Status: Ended
Start: 2018-03-12

Bitz and Bob Season 1 Air Dates

Mar 12, 2018

S01E01 - Castle Makeover Air Date: Mar 12, 2018 16:45 - 7 years ago

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

Bob really wants his castle to look more like Bitz's, and everyone pitches in to help, but things don't go to plan. The new drawbridge that Bevel, Zip and Pop have built collapses, making big holes in the castle wall. They also need to figure out how to get Bob's new Tower-Top Toy Room from the ground all the way to the top of his tower. It's time for a Bitz Brain Blitz.

Mar 13, 2018

S01E02 - Marmalade Mayhem Air Date: Mar 13, 2018 16:45 - 7 years ago

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Bitz is excited to be serving her yummy Bitz mix marmalade to lots of hungry customers at the Jungle Cafe, and things get even better when top chef Madame Gourmet unexpectedly arrives. If she likes the marmalade, she might put the recipe in her new cookbook. The only problem is that with Zip and Pop as waiters, no-one seems to be getting any food. Bitz has to figure out how to get the food from the kitchen to the tables without Zip and Pop eating it.

Mar 14, 2018

S01E03 - Ready, Set, Check Air Date: Mar 14, 2018 16:45 - 7 years ago

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It's race day in Craft City and Bob is determined to come first and win the trophy, until disaster strikes and his go-kart starts falling apart! Has Bitz got a solution?

Mar 15, 2018

S01E04 - Desert Road Trip Air Date: Mar 15, 2018 16:45 - 7 years ago

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

Bob is excited to see an amazing cactus that only flowers once a year, but the gang's race across the hot sandy desert slows to a crawl when Bitz and Purl over-engineer their vehicle.

Mar 16, 2018

S01E05 - Monster Mountain Air Date: Mar 16, 2018 16:45 - 7 years ago

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

Bob wants to plant a sign on the top of Mount Robo-Bob, so they set off in grippy shoes to climb it. They meet Ranger Bevel, who tells them about the abominable snow monsters and says he'll guide them up the mountain safely. At the summit, Bob plants his sign, but then the snow monsters appear, causing Ranger Bevel to slip and slide down the mountain uncontrollably. Bitz sees Bob's sign and they all leap on it to give chase, but they can't stop and they overtake Bevel. If only it had a brake!

Mar 19, 2018

S01E06 - X Marks the Spot Air Date: Mar 19, 2018 16:45 - 7 years ago

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Bitz, Purl and Bob are on a treasure hunt on Faraway Island with the help of an old map, and they find a huge chest full of yummy chocolate coins. Unfortunately, Pirate Bevelbeard and his ship dudes Zip and Pop appear unexpectedly, grabbing the treasure and also Purl, and taking them back to their pirate ship. Bitz needs to work out how they can get aboard the ship and rescue Purl and the chocolate coins!

Mar 20, 2018

S01E07 - Princess Purl's Big Sleep Air Date: Mar 20, 2018 16:45 - 7 years ago

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Naughty fairies Zipsy and Popsy have put a spell on Princess Purl so that she sleeps for a gazillion years. The gang tries everything to wake her up but nothing works, not even a kiss from brave Sir Bevel. Can Bitz invent a way to save the day before Zipsy and Popsy put a spell on them too?

Mar 21, 2018

S01E08 - Bob's Balloon Adventure Air Date: Mar 21, 2018 16:45 - 7 years ago

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When Bob gets stuck in a runaway hot air balloon over Craft City, Bitz needs to give him clear instructions on how to land it - and she's running out of time!

Mar 22, 2018

S01E09 - Losing Steam Air Date: Mar 22, 2018 16:45 - 7 years ago

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

Bitz, Bob and Bevel are racing across the desert in a steam train to deliver ice cream for the opening of Purl's ice cream parlour. But rustlers Zippy the Kid and Prospector Pop want to get their paws on it and create a distraction before making off with the train's engine. Our heroes manage to get it back but there's no water left in the tank, which means there's no steam to make it go - and the ice cream is starting to melt in the heat. Will Purl's grand opening turn into a grand closing?

Mar 23, 2018

S01E10 - Brilliant Beach Circus Air Date: Mar 23, 2018 16:45 - 7 years ago

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

Roll up, roll up! It's circus time on Faraway Island, and everyone can't wait to show off their amazing acts. Bob is the great Robo-Bobino, the world's first robot tightrope walker, except he has never tried tightrope walking before, so while Bevel puts him through his paces, Bitz and Purl need to think of a way to make his brilliant act brilliantly safe.

Mar 26, 2018

S01E11 - Sinking Feeling Air Date: Mar 26, 2018 15:45 - 7 years ago

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

When Ranger Bevel gets stuck in a pile of soft snow on High Snowy Mountain, Bitz needs to work out how they can pull him out without sinking into it too!

Mar 27, 2018

S01E12 - Periscope Peril Air Date: Mar 27, 2018 15:45 - 7 years ago

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

Princess Purl has lost her tiara and it turns out it's been taken by two naughty castle trolls who parade around showing it off high up in the castle. Bevel pole vaults over the wall to get it back, but he looks straight into the trolls' special goggles and is frozen into a statue. Then Purl rushes in and is frozen as well, and so is Bob. It's down to Bitz to work out a way to unfreeze everyone and get the tiara back without the trolls seeing her and turning her into a statue too.

Mar 28, 2018

S01E13 - Plipp and Zopp Air Date: Mar 28, 2018 15:45 - 7 years ago

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

Bitz and Bob are on the lookout for spaceships in the Big Hot Sandy Desert when a rocket crash-lands near them. They rush off to help and meet two aliens who speak a very strange language. They call them Plipp and Zopp and manage to discover that they need to get back to space in time for granny alien's birthday. So while Bitz tries to figure out how to launch their rocket, Purl shows them how to make a sparkly necklace.

Mar 29, 2018

S01E14 - Princess Purl Day. Air Date: Mar 29, 2018 15:45 - 7 years ago

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It's the Princess Purl Day parade in Craft City. Bitz is driving the royal carriage while Purl waves at all the crowds and Bob acts as a tour guide. But disaster strikes when the brake jams! When Bitz tries to fix it, it snaps off in her hand and the carriage zooms off, out of control, with Bob and Princess Purl still onboard. Bitz needs to think of a way of stopping it - and fast.

Mar 30, 2018

S01E15 - Bubble Quest Air Date: Mar 30, 2018 16:00 - 7 years ago

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

Princess Purl has one more task to complete to stay a princess. She must dance with the very rare Zippopopomus before the castle bell rings three times. Everyone goes to look for it, but despite searching everywhere, no one can find it. Bob takes a rest to blow bubbles and suddenly the Zippopopomus appears, but as soon as the bubbles disappear, so does the rare creature. With time running out, Bitz needs to figure out how to blow enough bubbles, and for long enough, so Purl can do her dance.

Mar 31, 2018

S01E16 - Little Bev Riding Hood Air Date: Mar 31, 2018 09:55 - 7 years ago

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We're using cogs to get things moving! Engineer your own with paper plates, lollipop sticks and sticky tape. For a treat, our candy floss cupcakes are in a spin. Which way will they turn?

Apr 03, 2018

S01E17 - Big Pop on Top Air Date: Apr 03, 2018 15:45 - 7 years ago

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

Bitz and Bob are making a film about Big Pop. They follow her as she thunders around, sliding down a tree and playing a game of tag with Zip. But then she disappears and they discover she's heading towards Craft City. Things go from bad to worse when Big Pop and Zip end up trapped on top of a high building, too scared to come down. Our heroes try tempting her with cookies, but when that doesn't work, Bitz needs to take a close look at their film to see if there is something Big Pop can't resist.

Apr 04, 2018

S01E18 - Ahoy There Air Date: Apr 04, 2018 15:45 - 7 years ago

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

A game of beach volleyball is interrupted when a ball thrown by Bevel dislodges the gang's raft, causing everyone to become stranded on Faraway Island. Bob is worried they might have to spend the night there, so Bitz needs to figure out how to get off the island and fast. She scans the horizon with binoculars and spots Zip and Pop fishing on a boat. But everything they do to try and get their attention fails, it seems the only thing that Zip and Pop are interested in is fish!

Apr 05, 2018

S01E19 - Jungle Fashion Show Air Date: Apr 05, 2018 15:45 - 7 years ago

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It's fashion show time. Bitz has designed some fantastic hats, Bob is taking the photographs, Purl is modelling them and Bevel is guiding them through the jungle to find the perfect place to hold the show. But when they arrive, they discover the hats have been taken by two cheeky hat-loving monkeys who keep running away. Bitz needs to work out how they can creep up on the monkeys without being seen and get the hats back in time to hold the fashion show.

Apr 06, 2018

S01E20 - Show Bitzness Air Date: Apr 06, 2018 15:45 - 7 years ago

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

Everyone is practising their acts for the big talent show, and Purl has even made a beautiful sparkly curtain for the front of the stage. Unfortunately the curtain won't go up or down, and Bob is feeling nervous about performing in front of everyone. So while Bitz tries to get the curtain working, Bob has to try to overcome his nerves and keep the audience happy with a song. Thankfully, Purl is there to help, and the show, and the curtain, are a huge success.

Jun 11, 2018

S01E21 - Rock and Roll Air Date: Jun 11, 2018 15:40 - 7 years ago

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

Bitz and Bob are helping famous artist La Purl move a very large rock across the beach, as she needs it for a mysterious work of art. They try rolling it, but it's too heavy. Expert rock movers Bevel, Zip and Pop arrive, but they can't move it either. Looking for things to help them, Bitz finds some logs to roll the rock, but Bevel stops to eat a banana and the rock rolls off out of control, causing the logs to go everywhere. But maybe floating the rock would work.

Jun 12, 2018

S01E22 - Bitz's Campout Conundrum Air Date: Jun 12, 2018 15:40 - 7 years ago

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

On a camping trip to High Snowy Mountain, Bitz, Bob and Purl offer to help a very tired bear-sitter Bevel get two bear cubs to take their nap so he can arrange a surprise picnic for them. But the cheeky cubs keep waking up - and when they finally do go to sleep, Bevel is so tired he falls asleep as well! The trouble is that now Bevel is napping, the bear cubs are wide awake again, so they need to find a way to let tired Bevel sleep while the bear cubs enjoy a noisy picnic.

Next Episode of Bitz and Bob is

not planed. TV Show was canceled.

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