When will be Bitz and Bob next episode air date? Is Bitz and Bob renewed or cancelled? Where to countdown Bitz and Bob air dates? Is Bitz and Bob worth watching?

Preschool animation series introducing children to principles of STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and maths) through eight-year-old inventor Bitz and her younger brother Bob.

Genres: Children
Station: CBeebies (GB)
Rating: 0/10 from 0 users
Status: Ended
Start: 2018-03-12

Bitz and Bob Season 2 Air Dates

Jun 13, 2018

S02E01 - Bitz's Big Build Air Date: Jun 13, 2018 15:40 - 7 years ago

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

Bitz promises to build a strong house for Little Bo Purl's goats and for the three little pigs, one that big bad Robo Wolf can't blow down. First they build the cutest little house out of straw, but Robo Wolf soon huffs and puffs and blows it away. Then they build a house out of sticks, but he blows that one down too and all they have left to use is some snow - and how can you build a house out of soft squishy snow? It's time for a Bitz brain blitz!

Jun 14, 2018

S02E02 - Tower Top Princess Party Air Date: Jun 14, 2018 15:40 - 7 years ago

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Princess Purl and Princess Bitz have decided to create the best party ever for Sir Robo Bob and Sir Bevel. There's limbo dancing, a bow and arrow game, great music and lots of food; the problem is in the excitement they've forgotten to invite Sir Robo Bob and Sir Bevel. But when Purl goes round to get them, she finds their door is locked and they are having their own party. Bitz needs to work out how to get their invitation to them at the top of the tower so they can all party together.

Jun 15, 2018

S02E03 - Greatest Gig in Town Air Date: Jun 15, 2018 15:40 - 7 years ago

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

With Bitz on drums, Bob on guitar and Bevel on vocals, The Booyahs are ready to perform. Things get even better when they discover that world famous pop star Purl Power is looking for a new band. All they need to do is impress her. Then disaster strikes: Bevel strains his throat and can only sing in a whisper. When singing through a tube proves his voice won't reach the crowd, Bitz sees a giant ice cream cone. It's time for a Bitz brain blitz!

Jun 18, 2018

S02E04 - Merry Go Round Air Date: Jun 18, 2018 15:40 - 7 years ago

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There is an amazing seahorse merry-go-round on the beach, and everyone is having lots of fun going round and round - except Bevel. When he runs away from the ride, Bob finds him, only for Bevel to admit he's nervous about going in circles. Everyone joins in to help him overcome his fear and soon he's sitting on his seahorse, Blue Yah, excited about his first turn on a merry-go-round. But now the key that winds it up has broken, so Bitz needs to work out how to get it started using wind power.

Jun 19, 2018

S02E05 - Incredible Duck Trek Air Date: Jun 19, 2018 15:40 - 7 years ago

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Mummy duck is trying to lead her ducklings from their nest in Bitz's castle to the lake, but it's a long way, so Bitz and Bob help guide them there safely. On arriving, they realise they need to find somewhere for the ducks to sleep at night. Mummy duck is hard to please and doesn't want to sleep under the trees or in Bob's robo-helmet. Time to build a duck house - on stilts, so that it looks just like Bitz's castle. Let's hope that will fit the bill!

Jun 20, 2018

S02E06 - Cake Calamity Air Date: Jun 20, 2018 15:40 - 7 years ago

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

Bitz has created a super strawberry, dreamy creamy, nicely icely, bake-a-licious cake that is so tasty Bob suggests she makes more so she can sell them to the whole world. They all start cake making in the jungle cafe, but with everyone trying to do the same job at the same time, the cakes end up looking very different. If Bitz wants to get her cakes looking the same and delivered to her customers on time, she needs to work out a proper system!

Jun 21, 2018

S02E07 - Bitz's Beach Party Air Date: Jun 21, 2018 15:40 - 7 years ago

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

Bob can't go to his friend Phoebe's party because she has measles. This puts a stop to his aim to try to beat his previous record of shooting four basketball hoops in a row. Bitz decides to throw the best beach party ever to make up for it. There are snacks, games, a dance floor and even a basketball hoop! But it's a very warm day and soon everyone is too hot to party. Will they have to give up and call it a day or can Bitz find a way to cool everyone down so that Bob can try and beat his record?

Jun 22, 2018

S02E08 - Snowy Sports Day Air Date: Jun 22, 2018 15:40 - 7 years ago

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

Everyone is excited about competing in Snowy Sports Day. Competing are Bitz, Queen of Speed, Bevel the Blaze, Pacey Purl, Robo-Blast Bob, Pop the Snow Pro and Zip the One-Throw Wonder. Pacey Purl really wants to win to finally get her name on the champion's cup. But to know who's won, they need to find a way of keeping track of the scores. They try counting on their fingers, but they're too wiggly. They could use snowballs, but they're too much fun to play with. Then Bitz has a brainwave! They can use Purl's coloured beads.

Aug 13, 2018

S02E09 - Snowy Sneezy Goat Gala Air Date: Aug 13, 2018 15:40 - 7 years ago

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

It's the Snowy Goat Gala on High Snowy Mountain and Little Bo Purl is meant to be performing her famous snowy yodelling - snowdelling - accompanied by her legendary bell-ringing show goats. But when the goats go down with goaty colds that make them all sneeze, Bitz and the gang must take over bell-ringing duties for Little Bo Purl. But first they need to work out how to get the tune right in time for the big performance.

Aug 14, 2018

S02E10 - Bevel Genie's Home Sweet Home Air Date: Aug 14, 2018 15:40 - 7 years ago

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

Bitz, Bob and Purl are on a treasure hunt in Big Hot Sandy Desert. Bob finds a dusty old lamp, and a quick polish reveals it's the home of Bevel Genie and his pets, Zup and Pup. Bevel Genie does the genie thing and grants them three wishes, but then announces it's time for them to go home. On hearing this, Zup and Pup excitedly race towards the lamp and it goes flying into the air, landing on top of a cactus. Bitz needs to work out how to get it back to Bevel Genie, while avoiding the prickles.

Aug 15, 2018

S02E11 - Castle Bake Off Air Date: Aug 15, 2018 15:40 - 7 years ago

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

It's the yum-tastic pizza bake-off, with Purl as the expert judge. Bob is preparing his special top-secret recipe in order to beat rival competitors Zip and Pop, who keep trying to peek at his pizza. Soon it's time for the pizzas to go into the Castle kitchen ovens. Once there, head of security Bevel elaborately locks the kitchen door before accidentally sending the key flying over the castle wall. Now they need to retrieve the key and get back into the kitchen before the pizzas are ruined.

Aug 16, 2018

S02E12 - Amazing Owl Club Air Date: Aug 16, 2018 15:40 - 7 years ago

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

Bitz and Purl have started the Amazing Owl Club, with its own rulebook, a members-only clubhouse and - best of all - a special badge with flapping owl wings. The badge allows entry to the clubhouse! Bob, Bevel, Zip and Pop manage to join the club by doing three amazingly owly things, but no one can copy Bitz's badge. Bitz needs to reverse-engineer her badge so everyone can see how it works. This enables the others to make their own badges and enter the clubhouse for a big surprise.

Aug 17, 2018

S02E13 - Woolly Wonder Girl Air Date: Aug 17, 2018 15:40 - 7 years ago

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

Police Chief Bevel has his hands full trying to stop rowdy rascals Zip and Pop on their noise-making spree in Craft City. Luckily, superheroes Woolly Wonder Girl, Zap Girl and Mega-Super-Robo-Bob are on hand to help. But when Bevel and the rowdy rascals end up careering out of control through the streets of the city on a runaway skateboard, the superheroes need to create something strong and soft using threads of yarn to help stop them safely.

Aug 20, 2018

S02E14 - A Birthday Surprise Air Date: Aug 20, 2018 15:40 - 7 years ago

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

Bitz, Bob, Bevel, Zip and Pop are making Purl a surprise birthday present - the best hairclip ever! They decide to make it from some of Purl's favourite things that they find in Tubely Jungle, but everyone collects so many things, including a smelly sock, that Bitz doesn't know where to start. And what's more, Purl thinks they have forgotten her birthday, so they need to make it fast. Bitz uses her notes to remind them of what Purl's favourite things are, so they can make her the perfect hairclip.

Aug 21, 2018

S02E15 - A-Maze-ing Adventure Air Date: Aug 21, 2018 15:40 - 7 years ago

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

Bob is looking after Phoebe's cute little puppy called Earl, but when they take him for walkies he gets lost inside Bitz's amazing maze. First Bevel tries to guide them to Earl from the castle, but he can't see the whole maze as he's not high enough and there's a hot air balloon in the way. Bitz decides to use the balloon to go much higher so she can see the whole maze clearly, then she can give everyone the correct instructions to get to Earl.

Aug 22, 2018

S02E16 - The Frog Log Bridge Air Date: Aug 22, 2018 15:40 - 7 years ago

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

During a game of Follow the Leader on Far Away Island, Bitz and Bob bump into Ranger Bevel, who is helping guide some frogs to water as it's 'froggy dude migration day'. But when the frogs struggle to get across a big wide gully, Bitz finds a way to help them by building a strong bridge. However, once they arrive at the sea it turns out they don't like saltwater, so now they need to find them a suitable pond.

Aug 23, 2018

S02E17 - Up, Up and Away Air Date: Aug 23, 2018 15:40 - 7 years ago

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

It's the day of the kite festival and first up are Zip and Pop, who dazzle the crowd with their performance. Then Bitz and Bob take to the arena, but their kites don't even get off the ground. Finally it's Bevel and Purl's turn, but Bevel tries kite-flying with no hands and loses them. Things take a turn for the worse when Zip grabs on to Pop's kite and gets swept away by the wind. Bitz and Bob have to work out how to get their kites to fly in order to rescue Zip.

Aug 24, 2018

S02E18 - Mayor Bevel's Mega Wheel Air Date: Aug 24, 2018 15:40 - 7 years ago

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

Bitz, Bob and Purl are building a giant Mega Wheel in Craft City for Mayor Bevel, and the local citizens are getting very excited. But Bitz has a problem: her tablet has gone missing, and all the instructions on how to finish the Mega Wheel are on it. So while Mayor Bevel tries to keep the impatient crowd happy with his singing and skateboarding skills, Bitz has to try to find a way to finish the Mega Wheel - and quickly! It's attention to detail that saves the day.

Aug 27, 2018

S02E19 - The Every Place Chase Race Air Date: Aug 27, 2018 15:40 - 7 years ago

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

Bitz, Bob and Purl are in a race across the whole wide world to win the trophiest trophy ever, and they are joined by a new team member, Roly, a roller-skating baby dinosaur. To win they need to engineer a way to get off Faraway Island without a boat, stop their carriage sinking in Big Hot Sandy Desert, build a balloony floatoony flying machine, stop Gerhardt the goat eating a clue, ski down High Snowy Mountain and help Roly find her mother before crossing the finish line ahead of Team Bevel!

Aug 28, 2018

S02E20 - Bitz and Bob's Toy Shop Air Date: Aug 28, 2018 15:40 - 7 years ago

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

Bitz and Bob's junk stall sells out of everything, including Bob's robo-helmet! Bob is horrified. The gang try all sorts of substitute helmets: Bitz's craft box, a traffic cone, even a knitted helmet. When they try making a helmet out of a piece of cardboard, it isn't quite right. But Bob accidentally squashes the craft box, and Bitz figures out they could use its flattened shape as a pattern by drawing round it, cutting it out and folding it in the same way. But Zip and Pop may have a surprise for Bob!

Aug 29, 2018

S02E21 - Gripping Yarn Air Date: Aug 29, 2018 15:40 - 7 years ago

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

Bob, or Big Bad Robo Wolf, showing just how bad he is, locks Ra-Purl-Zel in the castle tower. While Purl is busily knitting, Bitz and Sir Bevel try to engineer a way to rescue her. Sir Bevel tries first but ends up stuck inside the tower alongside Purl. Bitz now has to rescue them both by working out how to get enough balls of yarn up to Ra-Purl-Zel so she can knit an escape ladder. Which means convincing Big Bad Robo Wolf and his naughty wolflets to help her build an awesome 'padoinger'.

Next Episode of Bitz and Bob is

not planed. TV Show was canceled.

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