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A reality show about the re-education of rich and spoiled teenagers from wealthy families, where the hero goes to live in a simple family with a modest income for three days. There he will encounter reality: different values, an unusual way of life, new rules and daily routine. But whether the experiment will help the hero and whether he realizes that happiness is not in money - it will become known at the end of the program.
Alina's parents have been divorced for a long time, but every month the girl receives 500,000 rubles from her father. She lives in her own cottage, wants to blog and hang out.
Alina's parents turned to the Child from Hell project after they learned about her addiction to plastic surgery. They worry that their daughter will cause irreparable damage to her appearance.
But will Alina survive 4 days in a Cossack family?
At the age of 15, Alice believes that the main thing in life is to be beautiful. Therefore, her parents spend fabulous money on their daughter's clothes and cosmetics. Alice's mom has her own clothing company and she wants her daughter to help develop it, but Alice has other interests – for example, spending 300,000 rubles on handbags…
Will the Child from Hell project be able to re-educate a spoiled teenager?
16-year-old Kristina spends a lot of her parents' money on luxury parties in Moscow and demands the most expensive things for herself. The complete opposite of Kristina is her younger brother, he studies well and obeys his family. Therefore, parents regularly set his girlfriend as an example, and she spends even more out of spite.
In the reality show "Child from Hell", Kristina will go to a village in Udmurtia for re-education…
Artemy is 16 years old, and at his age he already knows how to manipulate adults. If mom doesn't give him a large sum for a party, the guy goes to live with his father. But money for parties is still a flower. Artemiy expects to receive an apartment near the school and a premium car from his mother…
Will the re-education in the Borisov family be able to change the priorities of the guy? See The Child from Hell.
14-year-old Karina from St. Petersburg demands money for any housework, and the kind dad always gives it. Therefore, she can have her own dog for 5 thousand. Parents worry that Karina will bring a glass of tea if one of them gets sick only for money. Unable to cope with their ungrateful daughter, they turn to the Child from Hell project.
Karina is sent to a large Tsoi family for re-education...
At the age of 15, Ilya Kochanov from Moscow is very fond of luxury – the guy has a whole collection of expensive watches. Parents are sounding the alarm: Ilya is growing up selfish, demands to satisfy his desires to the detriment of his younger brother's education, behaves arrogantly with service sector workers.
Finally losing patience, they send their spoiled Moscow child to the Child from Hell project…
At the age of 16, Inessa already has a big goal – her own apartment. However, the girl does not save money, but spends it, demanding financial investments from her parents. But the teenager does not dream of going to the Maldives at all – she has already been there, and now she is bored on the islands.
The Child from Hell project sends Inessa for re-education to the Kalachev family motorhome…
Milana is a spoiled teenager who grew up in a wealthy family. All the girl's interests come down to replenishing her wardrobe with branded items and hanging out with friends.
But during the re-education in the Kasimov family from Bashkortostan, where the Child from Hell project will send her, Milana will have to try herself in other activities. For example, in cleaning…
But will this experiment be able to change the values of Milan?
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