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A reality show about the re-education of rich and spoiled teenagers from wealthy families, where the hero goes to live in a simple family with a modest income for three days. There he will encounter reality: different values, an unusual way of life, new rules and daily routine. But whether the experiment will help the hero and whether he realizes that happiness is not in money - it will become known at the end of the program.
The family of 14-year-old Marusia Ginzburg asks for help: the girl has become uncontrollable, rudely communicates with her mother and does not consider her opinion, does not strive for anything. She spends 300 thousand a month on restaurants, and her family fears that Marusya may drop out of school.
How will the three days spent in the Murtazov family from Stavropol affect the teenager? Watch the new season of the reality show "Child from Hell".
The family of 17-year-old Nikita Masonov appeals to the Child from Hell project. Parents are sounding the alarm: they believe that at his age, his son should already be independent and think about the future. But so far Nikita's studies, his debts and expensive entertainment are on their shoulders.
Nikita considers the demands of his parents to be pressure on his personality. Mom, in his opinion, simply does not know how to negotiate with him…
Ira is 16 years old, she lives in St. Petersburg. She has a strained relationship with her dad: he is strict and emotional, so she tries to contact him less often.
Not everything is smooth with Ira and in her relationship with her boyfriend Arseny: he cheated on her twice. The girl decided to break up and at the same moment found out that she was expecting a child…
Turn on the new edition of the reality show "Mom at 16".
The mother of 17-year–old Polina Anokhina, Svetlana, is the creator of a clothing brand. Svetlana helped her daughter enter the fashion industry and start a modeling career, but she doesn't seem to appreciate it. Even at her mother's shows, Polina demands impressive fees…
Svetlana asks for help from the Child from Hell project – she wants to teach her daughter to be grateful.
Nastya Perova is only 17 years old, but she has long been accustomed to a beautiful life. Parents have never spared money for their only daughter, fulfilling her every whim.
But when Nastya wanted to enlarge her lips, her mother categorically forbade her to do so. To do the procedure, the girl needed the written consent of her parents, and she was tricked into getting it…
Will the Child from Hell project be able to teach Nastya honesty?
"If you have money, everything is open for you everywhere," says Kirill Lobanov, 15. At the same time, the young man lives on the money of his father, who does not refuse him anything. Dad not only sponsors Kirill's shopping and entertainment, but also rents apartments for his son in Moscow City.
However, Kirill does not appreciate these efforts at all and takes everything for granted. His family is applying to the Child from Hell project.
Yaroslava is the only child in the family and used to use it. The girl's parents never refuse her anything, but one day their patience comes to an end…
When Yaroslava's demands became excessive, her family turned to the Child from Hell project. Now the girl has to go for re-education to the Yaroslavtsev family from the village of Verkhounzha…
"I will live in a family of beggars," is how the spoiled child Eva Gadzhieva reacted to the news that she would have to participate in our experiment.
The girl's parents turned to the Child from Hell project, as they were tired of conflicts with their daughter and her rudeness. But will our reality show be able to re-educate Eva, and will the host family withstand her difficult character?
Watch it right now.
Meet the heroine of the new issue of "Child from Hell" – Victoria!
The girl is used to having her loved ones fulfill any of her whims, and was shocked to learn about the decision to impose restrictions on her. In addition to this, they decided to send a spoiled teenager for re-education to someone else's family to show her that sometimes a lot of money is worth a lot of work.
Will Vika endure three days in new conditions for herself?
Veronika, 15, from Moscow, dreamed of becoming a singer since childhood, and her family supported her in this. That's just the requests of the future artist are significantly ahead of her vocal successes.
The girl specifically starred and exhausted all her nerves to her family – the film crew of "Child from Hell" is coming to the rescue!
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