When will be Look and Read next episode air date? Is Look and Read renewed or cancelled? Where to countdown Look and Read air dates? Is Look and Read worth watching?

Look and Read is a BBC television programme for primary schools, aimed at improving children's literacy skills. The programme presents fictional stories in a serial format, the first of which was broadcast in 1967 and the most recent in 2004, making it the longest running nationally broadcast programme for schools in the UK. The series remains popular among school children, and has also gained a cult following among those who have grown up with it.

Genres: Children
Station: BBC Two (GB)
Rating: 0/10 from 0 users
Status: Ended
Start: 1967-01-09

Look and Read Season 5 Air Dates

S05E01 - Out of Control Air Date: 24 September 1974 11:00 -

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Jenny and Tim's model plane starts to behave strangely.

S05E02 - Ram Pandit Air Date: 01 October 1974 11:00 -

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Jenny and Tim's search for their model plane leads them to an Indian scientist's house.

S05E03 - RAV1 Air Date: 08 October 1974 11:00 -

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Ram and Mr Turner show the children their impressive computer, and Ram promises to fix their model plane.

S05E04 - The Gas Gun Air Date: 15 October 1974 11:00 -

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Ram's brother Ravi plots to steal Ram's firing programme, and sends his henchman Number Two to do the job.

S05E05 - In the Hut Air Date: 22 October 1974 11:00 -

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Unaware that Ram has been kidnapped, Jenny and Tim come to collect their plane.

S05E06 - The Secret Air Date: 05 November 1974 12:00 -

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Mr Turner and the children find the half-finished message that Ram left on the computer screen.

S05E07 - To the Mill! Air Date: 12 November 1974 12:00 -

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Ravi reveals his plan to flood the Fens.

S05E08 - The Signal Air Date: 19 November 1974 12:00 -

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Ram sends a message to the children using the model plane's remote control unit.

S05E09 - Escape Air Date: 26 November 1974 12:00 -

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Tim creates a diversion to distract Ravi's henchman.

S05E10 - Fire the Rockets! Air Date: 03 December 1974 12:00 -

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Jenny has a novel idea that may prevent Ravi from carrying out his plan.

Next Episode of Look and Read is

not planed. TV Show was canceled.

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