When will be Святые next episode air date? Is Святые renewed or cancelled? Where to countdown Святые air dates? Is Святые worth watching?

"Saints" is a travel show in which a young Orthodox blogger will try to repeat the exploits of Seraphim of Sarov, Nil of Sor, Ksenia of St. Petersburg and other saints. Host Seraphim Sashliev will have to go through many tests, from hand-feeding a bear to cutting his head bald. The goal of the project is to find recipes for a fulfilling life today in the exploits of the Saints.
This project is about people who managed to become better themselves. The discovery of God inspired them to develop useful qualities in themselves, and allowed them to live in joy and resilience to what was happening around them. Each issue features permanent experts - a psychologist and a priest.

Genres: Travel
Station: ТВ-3 (RU)
Rating: 0/10 from 0 users
Status: Running
Start: 2024-01-06

Святые Air Dates

May 01, 2024

S01E06 - Выпуск 6. Серапион Синдонит Air Date: May 01, 2024 18:45 - 11 months ago

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This time we will talk about the most unknown and at the same time great saint - Serapion Sindonite. He lived far from us and for a very long time, it is unlikely that in Rus' there are at least a couple of churches in his honor, but it's a pity, there is a lot to learn from this saint. This is what our presenter will do.

May 02, 2024

S01E07 - Выпуск 7. Симеон Столпник Air Date: May 02, 2024 18:45 - 11 months ago

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Today's saint became famous for his severe feats, which few saints dared to undertake. His name is Simeon the Stylite, he even invented a new type of feat - standing on a pillar. Our presenter will also have to show ingenuity - learn a long poem by heart, overcome the fear of snakes, complete a task while in complete darkness, get water, and of course - stand on a real pillar.

May 03, 2024

S01E08 - Выпуск 8. Святые жены / женщины Air Date: May 03, 2024 18:45 - 11 months ago

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This time everything will be a little different. We will tell you about three holy women at once - Holy Princess Elizabeth, Blessed Matrona and Venerable Mary - each of whom faced losses in life, they lost something valuable or gave up something valuable, but did not regret it.

May 04, 2024

S01E09 - Выпуск 9. Святые мужи / мужчины Air Date: May 04, 2024 18:30 - 11 months ago

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

Another collection consisting of three stories, this time our heroes will be three holy men - St. Luke (Voino-Yasenetsky), the noble prince Alexander Nevsky and the Old Testament hero Samson. Each of them in their lives solved a difficult moral problem - what to do with their enemies?

Next Episode of Святые is


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