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Big City Greens is an animated comedy-adventure series which follows the offbeat adventures of 10-year-old Cricket Green, a mischievous and optimistic country boy who moves to the big city with his wildly out of place family – older sister Tilly, father Bill and Gramma Alice. Cricket's natural curiosity and enthusiasm lead him and his family on epic journeys and into the hearts of his new neighbors.
To impress his new neighbors, Cricket attempts to launch a chicken into space.
The Greens are excited to continue their traditional monthly steak dinner, but Cricket accidentally loses the steaks on the subway.
Cricket must wrestle a wild animal in order to prove himself worthy of the Green family name.
When Cricket persuades Bill to convert his pickup into a French fry food truck, he discovers a mysterious blue potato that Gramma says is cursed with bad luck.
When the Greens visit an indoor pool, Cricket is challenged to jump off the high dive.
Tilly claims that the family's goat has the spirit of a dog, and enters it in a dog show.
When Bill takes Gramma to a doctor's appointment, he leaves Tilly in charge of Cricket.
Cricket coaches Bill to achieve his childhood dream of becoming a world-class gymnast.
When Gramma crashes into a parked police car, she loses her driver's license and her confidence.
Cricket has issues with bears.
Bill promises his family a trip to the mall food court, but when he reveals it was just a trick to get them to a family portrait studio, Cricket and Gramma try to escape.
Remy is caught skipping his violin lessons to hang out with Cricket.
Bill takes the family on a road trip to the country, only to wind up trapped in a traffic jam.
When Tilly finds a bird's nest, she cares for the eggs hoping the chicks will think she's their mama, but the birds imprint on Cricket instead.
Cricket Green and his family move from the country to Big City to live with Gramma.
When Cricket and Bill accidentally disturb a nest of raccoons in the garage, they invade the house.
While dining at a seafood restaurant, Bill feels he must prove to the waiter that he is a Big City local, and Cricket and Tilly try to rescue a live octopus.
When Cricket loses all of his critterballs over the fence, Gloria refuses to return them.
Cricket leaves Gloria to work the coffee shop alone while he enjoys the parade on his break.
Bill uses a trip to the hardware store to teach Remy a lesson in self-reliance.
To impress her new friend Andromeda, Tilly claims she saw stone gargoyles come to life.
Cricket makes a deal to sell Bill's produce to a major grocery chain, but he doesn't have enough veggies to fill the order.
Cricket uses his first tip from working at Big Coffee to buy a singing toy fish.
Gramma kicks the family out of the house for the day, so they stay in a hotel for the first time.
Gramma tells Cricket and Tilly that there's treasure buried on their property.
Cricket adds his own doodles to Gloria's abstract paintings.
On the trip to Big City movie multiplex, Cricket thinks he's too mature for a kids' movie, so he sneaks into a grown-up movie.
Cricket registers his house on a homeshare website.
When Cricket gets sick, his family steps in to fulfill his commitments for the day.
The Green family's nemesis Chip Whistler shows up at the farmers' market in an attempt to steal business from them.
When Bill grows a huge watermelon, Cricket invites the local news to see the mega melon.
Cricket stands up to the cyber-bullying of three online gamers known as the Cyber Knights.
Tilly takes Gramma out to be a tourist for a day.
Cricket and Remy arrange a dinner party for everyone to get to know each other.
When Big City faces a coffee bean shortage, Cricket and Gloria's boss, Ms. Cho, challenges them to retrieve one of a few remaining sacks of coffee.
When the Greens' dog, Phoenix, runs away from home, the family sets out to find her.
On Halloween, a spooky Blood Moon rises and turns the Greens' farm animals into a horde of zombie-like creatures.
Cricket persuades the family to go to a Thanksgiving sale at a big-box store for a deal on a new television.
Tilly becomes friends with Anoosh, the neighborhood cat.
Cricket and Tilly's mother, Nancy Green, returns to the city.
Bill and Nancy prep a special harvest dinner while Cricket and Gramma race Tilly to get a missing ingredient.
At the local community center, Tilly wants to win a trophy and begins training with the center's director
When Bill sneaks out at night with a mysterious duffel bag, the kids hide in his truck to see where he goes.
Cricket impulsively buys a giant pet snake.
Tilly tries ventriloquism for the Big Coffee open mic night.
The family plays the people watching game, making up stories about city folk passing by.
Love is in the air nobody can escape not even Cricket Green when a girl named Gabriella catches his eye a hilarious comedy will rise.
Cricket joins forces with Officer Keys to hunt down a neighborhood litterbug.
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