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Big City Greens is an animated comedy-adventure series which follows the offbeat adventures of 10-year-old Cricket Green, a mischievous and optimistic country boy who moves to the big city with his wildly out of place family – older sister Tilly, father Bill and Gramma Alice. Cricket's natural curiosity and enthusiasm lead him and his family on epic journeys and into the hearts of his new neighbors.
Tilly goes down an internet rabbit hole to figure out what happened to her favorite ice cream treat.
Cricket tries to teach Gregly how to make friends.
Bill just wants Tilly to come down from a tree.
When Remy tells Vasquez he no longer needs his protection, Vasquez speaks with a therapist.
A nature documentary portrays Big City as a wild ecosystem.
Avid collector Remy struggles to cope after Cricket finds the rarest of all trading cards.
To prove to his parents that he is money-wise, Remy starts his own business.
Feeling neglected by his family, Bill befriends a murder of crows.
Cricket tries to avoid a fortune teller's ominous prediction that he will get a stinky slap.
In an inescapable escape room, Cricket must decide between family and freedom.
Cogburn takes the Greens' Thanksgiving ham.
Bill gets price gauged on bills.
Bill and Cricket follow clues from Cricket's dream to search the woods for the perfect Christmas tree.
Tilly catches ennui, so Cricket tries to cheer her up.
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