Next Episode of Big City Greens is
Big City Greens is an animated comedy-adventure series which follows the offbeat adventures of 10-year-old Cricket Green, a mischievous and optimistic country boy who moves to the big city with his wildly out of place family – older sister Tilly, father Bill and Gramma Alice. Cricket's natural curiosity and enthusiasm lead him and his family on epic journeys and into the hearts of his new neighbors.
Cricket earns a role in Big Coffee's new TV commercial but loses his confidence.
Bill gets more than he bargained for when he trades in his pickup for a cutting-edge electric car.
When Bill learns that Gramma has been purposely creating a frightening reputation around town, he throws a barbeque to befriend the neighbors.
Cricket's scheme to cash in on a wishing well snares Tilly, leaving Cricket with a dilemma.
Gloria gets stuck on an elevator with the Greens.
Remy falls under the sway of an internet influencer.
On Christmas Eve, Tilly helps Cricket redeem his year's worth of bad deeds for one last chance to get on Santa's nice list; Gramma and Nancy look for a present for Bill.
Chip Whistler returns to take revenge on the Greens, but is forced to apologize.
Andromeda and Tilly follow Gloria to a club where they must "cure" her of her amnesia.
Cricket is mistaken for a pop star and decides to exploit the situation for all the perks of fame.
Remy and Cricket attend football camp in an attempt to impress Remy's dad.
Cricket and Remy play a contentious game of H-O-R-S-E on the hottest day of the year.
In order to avoid punishment, Cricket must make his rational dad believe in aliens.
When the Greens try to spend an eventful day at the beach, Cricket tries to prank the beachgoers.
Cricket discovers he can influence the family's dreams, to disastrous real-life results.
Bill gets addicted to a farm-simulating video game.
Cricket's feral wild side takes over when Bill is unable to replicate their old camping trips.
After finding a box of mementos, Gramma tells the kids the story of her greatest adventure.
While the Greens are away, the animals compete to see who will rule the farm.
Cricket struggles to get the best birthday present for his best friend, Remy.
After almost getting in a dirt bike accident, Cricket decides to live his life in shelter.
When the Green's visit the library, the librarian threatens to throw them out if they make a sound.
Chip Whistler attempts to make Cricket lose his job by running Big Coffee out of business.
Chip Whistler tears down the buildings around the Greens' house to build a new Wholesome Foods store.
When Gloria's parents visit, she ropes the Greens into escalating lies about her success.
Cricket goes on a quest to find the best pool in Big City.
On New Year's Eve, Cricket insists on helping Gloria complete her resolution of approaching her longtime crush, Kevin.
Cricket and Remy challenge Vasquez to a snowball fight, while Tilly creates a snowperson.
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